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Source $find_library(+Module, +Name, +Arity, -LoadModule, -Library) is semidet
Locate a predicate in the library. Name and arity are the name and arity of the predicate searched for. `Module' is the preferred target module. The return values are the full path name (excluding extension) of the library and module declared in that file.
Source $in_library(+Name, +Arity, -Path) is semidet
$in_library(-Name, -Arity, -Path) is nondet
Is true if Name/Arity is in the autoload libraries.
Source $define_predicate(:Head)
Make sure PredInd can be called. First test if the predicate is defined. If not, invoke the autoloader.
Source $update_library_index
Called from make/0 to update the index of the library for each library directory that has a writable index. Note that in the Windows version access_file/2 is mostly bogus. We assert silent/0 to suppress error messages.
Source reload_library_index
Reload the index on the next call
Source make_library_index(+Dir) is det
Create an index for autoloading from the directory Dir. The index file is called INDEX.pl. In Dir contains a file MKINDEX.pl, this file is loaded and we assume that the index is created by directives that appearin this file. Otherwise, all source files are scanned for their module-header and all exported predicates are added to the autoload index.
See also
- make_library_index/2
Source make_library_index(+Dir, +Patterns:list(atom)) is det
Create an autoload index INDEX.pl for Dir by scanning all files that match any of the file-patterns in Patterns. Typically, this appears as a directive in MKINDEX.pl. For example:
:- prolog_load_context(directory, Dir),
   make_library_index(Dir, ['*.pl']).
See also
- make_library_index/1.
Source autoload_path(+Path) is det
Add Path to the libraries that are used by the autoloader. This extends the search path autoload and reloads the library index. For example:
:- autoload_path(library(http)).

If this call appears as a directive, it is term-expanded into a clause for file_search_path/2 and a directive calling reload_library_index/0. This keeps source information and allows for removing this directive.

Source require(:ListOfPredIndicators) is det
Register the predicates in ListOfPredIndicators for autoloading using autoload/2 if they are not system predicates.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

Source autoload(Arg1)
Source $autoload(Arg1)
Source autoload(Arg1, Arg2)