[not loaded]All predicatesShow sourceautoload.pl

Source $find_library(+Module, +Name, +Arity, -LoadModule, -Library) is semidet
Locate a predicate in the library. Name and arity are the name and arity of the predicate searched for. `Module' is the preferred target module. The return values are the full path name (excluding extension) of the library and module declared in that file.
Source $in_library(+Name, +Arity, -Path) is semidet
$in_library(-Name, -Arity, -Path) is nondet
Is true if Name/Arity is in the autoload libraries.
Source $define_predicate(:Head)
Make sure PredInd can be called. First test if the predicate is defined. If not, invoke the autoloader.
Source $update_library_index
Called from make/0 to update the index of the library for each library directory that has a writable index. Note that in the Windows version access_file/2 is mostly bogus. We assert silent/0 to suppress error messages.
Source writable_indexed_directory(-Dir) is nondet[private]
True when Dir is an indexed library directory with a writable index, i.e., an index that can be updated.
Source reload_library_index
Reload the index on the next call
Source load_library_index(?Name, ?Arity) is det[private]
Source load_library_index(?Name, ?Arity, :IndexSpec) is det[private]
Try to find Name/Arity in the library. If the predicate is there, we are happy. If not, we check whether the set of loaded libraries has changed and if so we reload the index.
Source index_file_name(-IndexFile, +Spec, +Options) is nondet[private]
True if IndexFile is an autoload index file. Options is passed to absolute_file_name/3. This predicate searches the path autoload.
See also
- file_search_path/2.
Source make_library_index(+Dir) is det
Create an index for autoloading from the directory Dir. The index file is called INDEX.pl. In Dir contains a file MKINDEX.pl, this file is loaded and we assume that the index is created by directives that appearin this file. Otherwise, all source files are scanned for their module-header and all exported predicates are added to the autoload index.
See also
- make_library_index/2
Source make_library_index(+Dir, +Patterns:list(atom)) is det
Create an autoload index INDEX.pl for Dir by scanning all files that match any of the file-patterns in Patterns. Typically, this appears as a directive in MKINDEX.pl. For example:
:- prolog_load_context(directory, Dir),
   make_library_index(Dir, ['*.pl']).
See also
- make_library_index/1.
Source index_files(+Files, +Directory, +Out:stream) is det[private]
Write index for Files in Directory to the stream Out.
Source autoload_path(+Path) is det
Add Path to the libraries that are used by the autoloader. This extends the search path autoload and reloads the library index. For example:
:- autoload_path(library(http)).

If this call appears as a directive, it is term-expanded into a clause for file_search_path/2 and a directive calling reload_library_index/0. This keeps source information and allows for removing this directive.

Source autoload_from(+PI, -LoadModule, -File) is semidet[private]
True when PI can be defined by loading File which is defined the module LoadModule.
Source autoload_in(+AutoloadFlag, +AutoloadMode, +TargetModule) is semidet[private]
Source do_autoload(+File, :PI, +LoadModule) is det[private]
Load File, importing PI into the qualified module. File is known to define LoadModule. There are three cases:
  • The target is the autoload module itself. Uncommon.
  • We already loaded this module. Note that '$get_predicate_attribute'/3 alone is not enough as it will consider auto-import from user. '$c_current_predicate'/2 verifies the predicate really exists, but doesn't validate that it is defined.
  • We must load the module and import the target predicate.
Source autoloadable(:Head, -File) is nondet[private]
True when Head can be autoloaded from File. This implements the predicate_property/2 property autoload(File). The module muse be instantiated.
Source library_info(+Spec, +AutoloadContext, -FullFile, -Module, -Exports)[private]
Find information about a library.
Source set_autoload(+Value) is det[private]
Hook called from set_prolog_flag/2 when autoloading is switched. If the desired value is false we should materialize all registered requests for autoloading. We must do so before disabling autoloading as loading the files may require autoloading.
Source register_autoloads(+ListOfPI, +Module, +File, +Context)[private]
Put an autoload flag on all predicates declared using autoload/2 to prevent duplicates or the user defining the same predicate.
Source require(:ListOfPredIndicators) is det
Register the predicates in ListOfPredIndicators for autoloading using autoload/2 if they are not system predicates.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

Source autoload(Arg1)
Source $autoload(Arg1)
Source autoload(Arg1, Arg2)