Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-12-19-Speech-4-077"

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". We have voted against the resolution on the outcome of the Copenhagen European Council because it uses the fact that most Members clearly approve of the entry into the Union of ten candidate countries from the East to slip in some paragraphs which also approve the accession process for Turkey. These paragraphs welcome in particular the doubling of financial assistance to that country under a strategy which, according to the Copenhagen conclusions, is no longer even called ‘pre-accession’ but ‘accession’ proper. In fact, Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union does not apply in this case: it provides for the accession procedure for ‘European’ States. It does not cover other countries. What we believe was needed was to first open a joint discussion on the purposes and boundaries of the European Union, which could have been held within the Convention. Lastly, the resolution welcomes the ‘comprehensive agreement reached with NATO’, omitting to state that the European Union is at the same time committed to including Turkey in European security and defence policy as soon as possible."@en1

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