Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-12-19-Speech-4-078"

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". You welcome the outcome of the Copenhagen European Council and, in particular, the integration of ten new countries into the European Union. We do not. We are in favour of the EU’s enlargement, considerably beyond, furthermore, the ten countries that you have just accepted. Enlargement in the form that you are undertaking it, however, simply enshrines the hegemony of the major capitals of Western Europe over the poorest and least developed countries. It enshrines and even prescribes attacks against the working classes of these countries, through company closures, increased unemployment and the elimination of many small family-run farms, in other words, turning rural workers into jobseekers. Furthermore, the inhabitants of the newly-integrated countries are considered to be second class citizens who, for a long transitional period, will not have the same rights as other members, in particular that of settling or working wherever they wish. We have, therefore, voted against your self-congratulation."@en1

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