- Documentation
- Reference manual
- Packages
- Pengines: Web Logic Programming Made Easy
- Pengine libraries
- library(pengines): Pengines: Web Logic Programming Made Easy
- pengine_create/1
- pengine_ask/3
- pengine_next/2
- pengine_stop/2
- pengine_abort/1
- pengine_destroy/1
- pengine_destroy/2
- pengine_self/1
- pengine_application/1
- current_pengine_application/1
- pengine_property/2
- pengine_output/1
- pengine_debug/2
- thread_pool:create_pool/1
- prepare_module/3
- prepare_goal/3
- not_sandboxed/2
- pengine_pull_response/2
- pengine_input/2
- pengine_respond/3
- pengine_event_loop/2
- pengine_rpc/2
- pengine_rpc/3
- prompt/3
- output/2
- write_result/3
- event_to_json/3
- authentication_hook/3
- pengine_user/1
- library(pengines): Pengines: Web Logic Programming Made Easy
- Pengine libraries
- Pengines: Web Logic Programming Made Easy
:- use_module(library(pengines)).
- Provide a safe user authentication hook.
- Enable HTTPS in the server or put it behind an HTTPS proxy and ensure that the network between the proxy and the pengine server can be trusted.