- opt
- ClioPatria
- parms.pl -- ClioPatria parameters
- hooks.pl -- ClioPatria hooks
- menu_item/2
- menu_label/2
- menu_popup_order/2
- bnode_label//1
- list_resource//2
- user_preference_db/2
- user_preference_default/2
- page_body//1
- page_body//2
- server_address//0
- logo//0
- predicate_order/2
- context_graph/3
- context_graph/3
- context_predicate/2
- node_label/4
- node_shape/3
- bag_shape/3
- edge_shape/3
- label_property/1
- label_property/1
- cliopatria.pl -- ClioPatria main module
- ClioPatria
- predicate_order(+Pred, -Order) is semidet[multifile, cpacks(hooks)]
- Define the order in which predicates appear in the local view.
The Order is an integer. The system ordering is defined by
cpa_browse:p_order/2. Predicates that are not explicitly ordered
are placed at the end of the table an ordered alphabetically.
Predicates that have order `0' are deleted from the table.