All predicatesShow -- Binary associations

Assocs are Key-Value associations implemented as a balanced binary tree (AVL tree).

- R.A.O'Keefe, L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Jan Wielemaker
See also
- library(pairs), library(rbtrees)
Source empty_assoc(?Assoc) is semidet
Is true if Assoc is the empty association list.
Source assoc_to_list(+Assoc, -Pairs) is det
Translate Assoc to a list Pairs of Key-Value pairs. The keys in Pairs are sorted in ascending order.
Source assoc_to_keys(+Assoc, -Keys) is det
True if Keys is the list of keys in Assoc. The keys are sorted in ascending order.
Source assoc_to_values(+Assoc, -Values) is det
True if Values is the list of values in Assoc. Values are ordered in ascending order of the key to which they were associated. Values may contain duplicates.
Source is_assoc(+Assoc) is semidet
True if Assoc is an association list. This predicate checks that the structure is valid, elements are in order, and tree is balanced to the extent guaranteed by AVL trees. I.e., branches of each subtree differ in depth by at most 1.
Source gen_assoc(?Key, +Assoc, ?Value) is nondet
True if Key-Value is an association in Assoc. Enumerates keys in ascending order on backtracking.
See also
- get_assoc/3.
Source get_assoc(+Key, +Assoc, -Value) is semidet
True if Key-Value is an association in Assoc.
- type_error(assoc, Assoc) if Assoc is not an association list.
Source get_assoc(+Key, +Assoc0, ?Val0, ?Assoc, ?Val) is semidet
True if Key-Val0 is in Assoc0 and Key-Val is in Assoc.
Source list_to_assoc(+Pairs, -Assoc) is det
Create an association from a list Pairs of Key-Value pairs. List must not contain duplicate keys.
- domain_error(unique_key_pairs, List) if List contains duplicate keys
Source ord_list_to_assoc(+Pairs, -Assoc) is det
Assoc is created from an ordered list Pairs of Key-Value pairs. The pairs must occur in strictly ascending order of their keys.
- domain_error(key_ordered_pairs, List) if pairs are not ordered.
Source ord_pairs(+Pairs) is semidet[private]
True if Pairs is a list of Key-Val pairs strictly ordered by key.
Source map_assoc(:Pred, +Assoc) is semidet
True if Pred(Value) is true for all values in Assoc.
Source map_assoc(:Pred, +Assoc0, ?Assoc) is semidet
Map corresponding values. True if Assoc is Assoc0 with Pred applied to all corresponding pairs of of values.
Source max_assoc(+Assoc, -Key, -Value) is semidet
True if Key-Value is in Assoc and Key is the largest key.
Source min_assoc(+Assoc, -Key, -Value) is semidet
True if Key-Value is in assoc and Key is the smallest key.
Source put_assoc(+Key, +Assoc0, +Value, -Assoc) is det
Assoc is Assoc0, except that Key is associated with Value. This can be used to insert and change associations.
Source del_min_assoc(+Assoc0, ?Key, ?Val, -Assoc) is semidet
True if Key-Value is in Assoc0 and Key is the smallest key. Assoc is Assoc0 with Key-Value removed. Warning: This will succeed with no bindings for Key or Val if Assoc0 is empty.
Source del_max_assoc(+Assoc0, ?Key, ?Val, -Assoc) is semidet
True if Key-Value is in Assoc0 and Key is the greatest key. Assoc is Assoc0 with Key-Value removed. Warning: This will succeed with no bindings for Key or Val if Assoc0 is empty.
Source del_assoc(+Key, +Assoc0, ?Value, -Assoc) is semidet
True if Key-Value is in Assoc0. Assoc is Assoc0 with Key-Value removed.