PublicShow -- Create triples from intermediate representation

Convert the output of xml_to_rdf/3 from library(rdf) into a list of triples of the format described below. The intermediate representation should be regarded a proprietary representation.

rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object).

Where `Subject' is

The subject is a resource
URI is the URI of an RDF Bag
Pattern is the prefix of a fully qualified Subject URI

And `Predicate' is

The predicate is always a resource

And `Object' is

URI of Object resource
Literal value (Either a single atom or parsed XML data)
Source rdf_triples(+Term, -Triples) is det
Source rdf_triples(+Term, -Tridpples, +Tail) is det
Convert an object as parsed by into a list of rdf/3 triples. The identifier of the main object created is returned by rdf_triples/3.

Input is the `content' of the RDF element in the format as generated by load_structure(File, Term, [dialect(xmlns)]). rdf_triples/3 can process both individual descriptions as well as the entire content-list of an RDF element. The first mode is suitable when using library(sgml) in `call-back' mode.

Source rdf_start_file(+Options, -Cleanup) is det
Initialise for the translation of a file.
Source rdf_end_file(:Cleanup) is det
Cleanup reaching the end of an RDF file.
Source anon_prefix(-Prefix) is semidet
If defined, it is the prefix used to generate a blank node.
Source rdf_reset_ids is det
Utility predicate to reset the gensym counters for the various generated identifiers. This simplifies debugging and matching output with the stored desired output (see

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

Source rdf_triples(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)