All predicatesShow -- Create stand-alone documentation files

Create stand-alone documentation from a bundle of source-files. Typical use of the PlDoc package is to run it as a web-server from the project in progress, providing search and guaranteed consistency with the loaded version. Creating stand-alone files as provided by this file can be useful for printing or distribution.

To be done
- Generate a predicate index?
Source doc_save(+FileOrDir, +Options)
Save documentation for FileOrDir to file(s). Options include
Currently only supports html.
Save output to the given directory. Default is to save the documentation for a file in the same directory as the file and for a directory in a subdirectory doc.
Title is an atom that provides the HTML title of the main (index) page. Only meaningful when generating documentation for a directory.
Root of a manual server used for references to built-in predicates. Default is
Filename for directory indices. Default is index.
What to do with files in a directory. loaded (default) only documents files loaded into the Prolog image. true documents all files.
If true, recurse into subdirectories.
If copy, copy the CSS file to created directories. Using inline, include the CSS file into the created files. Currently, only the default copy is supported.

The typical use-case is to document the Prolog files that belong to a project in the current directory. To do this load the Prolog files and run the goal below. This creates a sub-directory doc with an index file index.html. It replicates the directory structure of the source directory, creating an HTML file for each Prolog file and an index file for each sub-directory. A copy of the required CSS and image resources is copied to the doc directory.

?- doc_save(., [recursive(true)]).
Source generate(+Spec, +Options) is det[private]
Generate documentation for the specification created by doc_target/2.
Source doc_target(+Spec, -Target, +Options) is semidet[private]
Generate a structure describing what to document in what files. This structure is a term:
file(PlFile, DocFile)
Document PlFile in DocFile
directory(Dir, IndexFile, Members, Options)
Document Dir in IndexFile. Members is a list of documentation structures.
Source main_option(?Option)[private]
Options that apply only to the main directory.
 file_map(+DocStruct, -List)[private]
Create a list of file(PlFile, DocFile) for files that need to be documented.
Source document_file(+File, -DocFile, +Options) is semidet[private]
DocFile is the file into which to write the documentation for File. File must be a canonical Prolog source-file.
Source doc_extension(+Format, -Extension) is det[private]
Source ensure_slash(+DirName, -WithSlash) is det[private]
Ensure WithSlash ends with a /.
Source ensure_dir(+Directory, +Options) is det[private]
Create Directory as mkdir -p. May generate file errors.
Source prolog_file_in_dir(+Dir, -File, +Options) is nondet[private]
File is a file in Dir that must be documented. Options:
If true, also generate subdirectories
Source blocked(+File) is semidet[private]
True if File is blocked from documentation.
Source copy_resources(+Dir, +Options)[private]

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are re-exported from other modules

Source doc_pack(+Pack)
Generate stand-alone documentation for the package Pack. The documentation is generated in a directory doc inside the pack. The index page consists of the content of readme or readme.txt in the main directory of the pack and an index of all files and their public predicates.