Table for the 128 triples with object <> sorted by label

?:Aar de Goede?:country of citizenship
?:Aart Geurtsen?:country of citizenship
?:Agnes Jongerius?:country of citizenship
?:Albert Jan Maat?:country of citizenship
?:Alexander de Roo?:country of citizenship
?:Alman Metten?:country of citizenship
?:André Elissen?:country of citizenship
?:Anja Hazekamp?:country of citizenship
?:Anne Vondeling?:country of citizenship
?:Anne-Marie Mineur?:country of citizenship
?:Annie Krouwel-Vlam?:country of citizenship
?:Annie Schreijer-Pierik?:country of citizenship
?:Arie Oostlander?:country of citizenship
?:Auke Zijlstra?:country of citizenship
?:Barry Madlener?:country of citizenship
?:Bartho Pronk?:country of citizenship
?:Bas Belder?:country of citizenship
?:Bas Eickhout?:country of citizenship
?:Ben Visser?:country of citizenship
?:Bert Doorn?:country of citizenship
?:Bob van den Bos?:country of citizenship
?:Bouke Beumer?:country of citizenship
?:Bram van der Lek?:country of citizenship
?:Camiel Eurlings?:country of citizenship
?:Caroline Nagtegaal-van Doorn?:country of citizenship
?:Cees Bremmer?:country of citizenship
?:Cora van Nieuwenhuizen?:country of citizenship
?:Corien Wortmann-Kool?:country of citizenship
?:Cornelis Berkhouwer?:country of citizenship
?:Cornelis Visser?:country of citizenship
?:Daniël van der Stoep?:country of citizenship
?:Dennis de Jong?:country of citizenship
?:Derk Jan Eppink?:country of citizenship
?:Doeke Eisma?:country of citizenship
?:Dorette Corbey?:country of citizenship
?:Edith Mastenbroek?:country of citizenship
?:Eisso Woltjer?:country of citizenship
?:Elise Boot?:country of citizenship
?:Elly Plooij-van Gorsel?:country of citizenship
?:Els de Groen?:country of citizenship
?:Emine Bozkurt?:country of citizenship
?:Erik Meijer?:country of citizenship
?:Esther de Lange?:country of citizenship
?:Florus Wijsenbeek?:country of citizenship
?:Frans van der Gun?:country of citizenship
?:Frits Castricum?:country of citizenship
?:Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy?:country of citizenship
?:Gijs de Vries?:country of citizenship
?:Hanja Maij-Weggen?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Blokland?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Jansen?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Nord?:country of citizenship
?:Hans van Baalen?:country of citizenship
?:Harry Notenboom?:country of citizenship
?:Hedy d'Ancona?:country of citizenship
?:Hendrik Jan Louwes?:country of citizenship
?:Herman Verbeek?:country of citizenship
?:Herman Vermeer?:country of citizenship
?:Ieke van den Burg?:country of citizenship
?:Ien van den Heuvel?:country of citizenship
?:Jan Cremers?:country of citizenship
?:Jan Huitema?:country of citizenship
?:Jan Marinus Wiersma?:country of citizenship
?:Jan Mulder?:country of citizenship
?:Jan-Kees Wiebenga?:country of citizenship
?:Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert?:country of citizenship
?:Jeroen Lenaers?:country of citizenship
?:Jessica Larive?:country of citizenship
?:Jim Janssen van Raaij?:country of citizenship
?:Joep Mommersteeg?:country of citizenship
?:Johan van Minnen?:country of citizenship
?:Johanna Boogerd-Quaak?:country of citizenship
?:Joke Swiebel?:country of citizenship
?:Joop Post?:country of citizenship
?:Joost Lagendijk?:country of citizenship
?:Judith Merkies?:country of citizenship
?:Judith Sargentini?:country of citizenship
?:Jules Maaten?:country of citizenship
?:Karla Peijs?:country of citizenship
?:Kartika Liotard?:country of citizenship
?:Kathalijne Buitenweg?:country of citizenship
?:Kati Piri?:country of citizenship
?:Lambert van Nistelrooij?:country of citizenship
?:Laurence Stassen?:country of citizenship
?:Laurens Jan Brinkhorst?:country of citizenship
?:Leen van der Waal?:country of citizenship
?:Lily Jacobs?:country of citizenship
?:Louis Bontes?:country of citizenship
?:Lousewies van der Laan?:country of citizenship
?:Lucas Hartong?:country of citizenship
?:Maartje van Putten?:country of citizenship
?:Marcel de Graaff?:country of citizenship
?:Maria Martens?:country of citizenship
?:Marieke Sanders-Ten Holte?:country of citizenship
?:Marietje Schaake?:country of citizenship
?:Marije Cornelissen?:country of citizenship
?:Mathilde van den Brink?:country of citizenship
?:Matthijs van Miltenburg?:country of citizenship
?:Max van den Berg?:country of citizenship
?:Maxime Verhagen?:country of citizenship
?:Michiel van Hulten?:country of citizenship
?:Nel van Dijk?:country of citizenship
?:Olaf Stuger?:country of citizenship
?:Patricia van der Kammen?:country of citizenship
?:Paul Tang?:country of citizenship
?:Paul van Buitenen?:country of citizenship
?:Peter Pex?:country of citizenship
?:Peter van Dalen?:country of citizenship
?:Phili Viehoff?:country of citizenship
?:Piet Dankert?:country of citizenship
?:Ria Oomen-Ruijten?:country of citizenship
?:Rijk van Dam?:country of citizenship
?:Robert Jan Goedbloed?:country of citizenship
?:Sjouke Jonker?:country of citizenship
?:Sophie in 't Veld?:country of citizenship
?:Suzanne Dekker?:country of citizenship
?:Teun Tolman?:country of citizenship
?:Theo Bouwman?:country of citizenship
?:Thijs Berman?:country of citizenship
?:Toine Manders?:country of citizenship
?:Vicky Maeijer?:country of citizenship
?:Willem Schuth?:country of citizenship
?:Wilmya Zimmermann?:country of citizenship
?:Wim Albers?:country of citizenship
?:Wim van Velzen?:country of citizenship
?:Wim van Velzen?:country of citizenship
?:Wim van de Camp?:country of citizenship
?:Yvonne van Rooy?:country of citizenship