Table for the 14 triples with object <> sorted by label

?:Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca?:position held
?:Antoni Gutiérrez Díaz?:position held
?:Concepció Ferrer?:position held
?:Eduard Punset?:position held
?:Ernest Maragall?:position held
?:Heribert Barrera i Costa?:position held
?:Ignasi Guardans?:position held
?:Joan Vallvé i Ribera?:position held
?:Jordi Solé Ferrando?:position held
?:Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida?:position held
?:Oriol Junqueras i Vies?:position held
?:Pere Esteve i Abad?:position held
?:Raimon Obiols i Germà?:position held
?:Raül Romeva?:position held