Table for the 516 triples with object <> sorted by label

?:Adeline Hazan?:country of citizenship
?:Adrien Zeller?:country of citizenship
?:Agnès Le Brun?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Bombard?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Cadec?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Carignon?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Esclopé?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Gillot?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Juppé?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Krivine?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Lamassoure?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Lipietz?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Madelin?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Marleix?:country of citizenship
?:Alain Pompidou?:country of citizenship
?:Alexandre Varaut?:country of citizenship
?:Alfred Coste-Floret?:country of citizenship
?:Alima Boumediene-Thiery?:country of citizenship
?:Aline Archimbaud?:country of citizenship
?:Aline Pailler?:country of citizenship
?:Ambroise Guellec?:country of citizenship
?:André Bord?:country of citizenship
?:André Diligent?:country of citizenship
?:André Fanton?:country of citizenship
?:André Fourçans?:country of citizenship
?:André Laignel?:country of citizenship
?:André Rossi?:country of citizenship
?:André Sainjon?:country of citizenship
?:André Soulier?:country of citizenship
?:André Turcat?:country of citizenship
?:Angélique Delahaye?:country of citizenship
?:Anne Ferreira?:country of citizenship
?:Anne Laperrouze?:country of citizenship
?:Anne Sander?:country of citizenship
?:Anne-Christine Poisson?:country of citizenship
?:Anne-Marie Dupuy?:country of citizenship
?:Anne-Marie Schaffner?:country of citizenship
?:Antoine Waechter?:country of citizenship
?:Antoinette Fouque?:country of citizenship
?:Ari Vatanen?:country of citizenship
?:Arlette Laguiller?:country of citizenship
?:Armelle Guinebertière?:country of citizenship
?:Armonia Bordes?:country of citizenship
?:Arnaud Danjean?:country of citizenship
?:Aymeri de Montesquiou?:country of citizenship
?:Aymeric Chauprade?:country of citizenship
?:Benoît Hamon?:country of citizenship
?:Bernadette Bourzai?:country of citizenship
?:Bernadette Vergnaud?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Antony?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Castagnède?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Frimat?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Kouchner?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Lehideux?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Monot?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Poignant?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Pons?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Soulage?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Stasi?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Tapie?:country of citizenship
?:Bernard Thareau?:country of citizenship
?:Blaise Aldo?:country of citizenship
?:Brice Hortefeux?:country of citizenship
?:Brigitte Douay?:country of citizenship
?:Brigitte Fouré?:country of citizenship
?:Bruno Boissière?:country of citizenship
?:Bruno Gollnisch?:country of citizenship
?:Bruno Mégret?:country of citizenship
?:Béatrice Patrie?:country of citizenship
?:Carl Lang?:country of citizenship
?:Catherine Boursier?:country of citizenship
?:Catherine Grèze?:country of citizenship
?:Catherine Guy-Quint?:country of citizenship
?:Catherine Lalumière?:country of citizenship
?:Catherine Néris?:country of citizenship
?:Catherine Soullie?:country of citizenship
?:Catherine Trautmann?:country of citizenship
?:Chantal Cauquil?:country of citizenship
?:Chantal Simonot?:country of citizenship
?:Charles Baur?:country of citizenship
?:Charles Delatte?:country of citizenship
?:Charles Josselin?:country of citizenship
?:Charles Pasqua?:country of citizenship
?:Charles Wendeling?:country of citizenship
?:Charles de Gaulle?:country of citizenship
?:Charles-Émile Loo?:country of citizenship
?:Christelle Lechevalier?:country of citizenship
?:Christian Cabrol?:country of citizenship
?:Christian Jacob?:country of citizenship
?:Christian Poncelet?:country of citizenship
?:Christian de La Malène?:country of citizenship
?:Christiane Papon?:country of citizenship
?:Christiane Scrivener?:country of citizenship
?:Christiane Taubira?:country of citizenship
?:Christine Mustin-Mayer?:country of citizenship
?:Christine Revault d'Allonnes-Bonnefoy?:country of citizenship
?:Christine de Veyrac?:country of citizenship
?:Christophe Béchu?:country of citizenship
?:Claire Gibault?:country of citizenship
?:Claire Joanny?:country of citizenship
?:Claude Allègre?:country of citizenship
?:Claude Autant-Lara?:country of citizenship
?:Claude Cheysson?:country of citizenship
?:Claude Estier?:country of citizenship
?:Claude Labbé?:country of citizenship
?:Claude Malhuret?:country of citizenship
?:Claude Wolff?:country of citizenship
?:Colette Gadioux?:country of citizenship
?:Constance Le Grip?:country of citizenship
?:Corentin Calvez?:country of citizenship
?:Corinne Lepage?:country of citizenship
?:Damien Abad?:country of citizenship
?:Daniel Cohn-Bendit?:country of citizenship
?:Daniel Funeriu?:country of citizenship
?:Daniel Vié?:country of citizenship
?:Danielle Auroi?:country of citizenship
?:Danielle Darras?:country of citizenship
?:Denis Baudouin?:country of citizenship
?:Dick Ukeiwé?:country of citizenship
?:Didier Anger?:country of citizenship
?:Didier Motchane?:country of citizenship
?:Didier-Claude Rod?:country of citizenship
?:Djida Tazdaït?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Baudis?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Bilde?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Bucchini?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Chaboche?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Martin?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Riquet?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Saint-Pierre?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Souchet?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Vlasto?:country of citizenship
?:Dominique Voynet?:country of citizenship
?:Edgar Faure?:country of citizenship
?:Emmanuel Maurel?:country of citizenship
?:Estelle Grelier?:country of citizenship
?:Eva Joly?:country of citizenship
?:Fabienne Keller?:country of citizenship
?:Fernand Le Rachinel?:country of citizenship
?:Florence Kuntz?:country of citizenship
?:Florian Philippot?:country of citizenship
?:Fodé Sylla?:country of citizenship
?:France Jamet?:country of citizenship
?:Francis Combe?:country of citizenship
?:Francis Decourrière?:country of citizenship
?:Francis Wurtz?:country of citizenship
?:Francisque Collomb?:country of citizenship
?:Franck Proust?:country of citizenship
?:François Alfonsi?:country of citizenship
?:François Bayrou?:country of citizenship
?:François Bernardini?:country of citizenship
?:François Froment-Meurice?:country of citizenship
?:François Guillaume?:country of citizenship
?:François Hollande?:country of citizenship
?:François Musso?:country of citizenship
?:François Zimeray?:country of citizenship
?:François-Marie Geronimi?:country of citizenship
?:Françoise Castex?:country of citizenship
?:Françoise Gaspard?:country of citizenship
?:Françoise Grossetête?:country of citizenship
?:Françoise Seillier?:country of citizenship
?:Françoise de Veyrinas?:country of citizenship
?:Frédéric Jalton?:country of citizenship
?:Frédéric Rosmini?:country of citizenship
?:Frédéric Striby?:country of citizenship
?:Frédérique Bredin?:country of citizenship
?:Félix Damette?:country of citizenship
?:Gabriel Kaspereit?:country of citizenship
?:Gaston Flosse?:country of citizenship
?:Gaston Franco?:country of citizenship
?:Geneviève Fraisse?:country of citizenship
?:Geoffroy Didier?:country of citizenship
?:Georges Berthu?:country of citizenship
?:Georges Donnez?:country of citizenship
?:Georges Frischmann?:country of citizenship
?:Georges Garot?:country of citizenship
?:Georges Marchais?:country of citizenship
?:Georges Sarre?:country of citizenship
?:Georges Sutra de Germa?:country of citizenship
?:Gilbert Devèze?:country of citizenship
?:Gilles Lebreton?:country of citizenship
?:Gilles Martinet?:country of citizenship
?:Gilles Pargneaux?:country of citizenship
?:Gilles Savary?:country of citizenship
?:Gisèle Moreau?:country of citizenship
?:Guillaume Balas?:country of citizenship
?:Gustave Ansart?:country of citizenship
?:Gustave Deleau?:country of citizenship
?:Guy Bono?:country of citizenship
?:Guy Fernandez?:country of citizenship
?:Guy Guermeur?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard Benhamou?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard Caudron?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard Fuchs?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard Israël?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard Jaquet?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard Longuet?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard Monnier-Besombes?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard Onesta?:country of citizenship
?:Gérard d'Aboville?:country of citizenship
?:Harlem Désir?:country of citizenship
?:Hector Riviérez?:country of citizenship
?:Hector Rolland?:country of citizenship
?:Henri Caillavet?:country of citizenship
?:Henri Saby?:country of citizenship
?:Henri Weber?:country of citizenship
?:Henri de Lassus Saint-Geniès?:country of citizenship
?:Henriette Poirier?:country of citizenship
?:Henry Chabert?:country of citizenship
?:Hervé Fabre-Aubrespy?:country of citizenship
?:Hervé Novelli?:country of citizenship
?:Hubert Buchou?:country of citizenship
?:Hugues Martin?:country of citizenship
?:Hélène Carrère d'Encausse?:country of citizenship
?:Hélène Flautre?:country of citizenship
?:Isabelle Caullery?:country of citizenship
?:Isabelle Thomas?:country of citizenship
?:Jack Lang?:country of citizenship
?:Jacky Hénin?:country of citizenship
?:Jacqueline Grand?:country of citizenship
?:Jacqueline Nebout?:country of citizenship
?:Jacqueline Thome-Patenôtre?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Chirac?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Colombier?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Delors?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Denis?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Donnay?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Mallet?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Moreau?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Tauran?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Toubon?:country of citizenship
?:Jacques Vernier?:country of citizenship
?:James Goldsmith?:country of citizenship
?:Jan Philipp Albrecht?:country of citizenship
?:Janelly Fourtou?:country of citizenship
?:Janine Cayet?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Arthuis?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Baggioni?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Besse?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Crusol?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Lecanuet?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Marie Beaupuy?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Mouchel?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Méo?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Querbes?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Roatta?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Saint-Josse?:country of citizenship
?:Jean Seitlinger?:country of citizenship
?:Jean de Lipkowski?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Antoine Giansily?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Charles Marchiani?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Claude Fruteau?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Claude Martinez?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Claude Pasty?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-François Deniau?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-François Hory?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-François Jalkh?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-François Mancel?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Jacob Bicep?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-José Clément?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Louis Bernié?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Louis Borloo?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Louis Bourlanges?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Louis Cottigny?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Luc Bennahmias?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Luc Mélenchon?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Luc Schaffhauser?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Marie Alexandre?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Marie Cavada?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Marie Le Chevallier?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Marie Le Pen?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Marie Vanlerenberghe?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Paul Bachy?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Paul Benoit?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Paul Besset?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Paul Denanot?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Paul Gauzès?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Paul Heider?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Paul Hugot?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Abelin?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Audy?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Bazin?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Bébéar?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Cassabel?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Cot?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Raffarin?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Raffin?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Roux?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Pierre Stirbois?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Thomas Nordmann?:country of citizenship
?:Jean-Yves Le Gallou?:country of citizenship
?:Jeannou Lacaze?:country of citizenship
?:Joseph Daul?:country of citizenship
?:José Bové?:country of citizenship
?:Joëlle Bergeron?:country of citizenship
?:Joëlle Mélin?:country of citizenship
?:Jérôme Lavrilleux?:country of citizenship
?:Kader Arif?:country of citizenship
?:Karim Zéribi?:country of citizenship
?:Karima Delli?:country of citizenship
?:Laurent Fabius?:country of citizenship
?:Lionel Jospin?:country of citizenship
?:Liêm Hoang Ngoc?:country of citizenship
?:Louis Aliot?:country of citizenship
?:Louis Baillot?:country of citizenship
?:Louis Chopier?:country of citizenship
?:Louis Eyraud?:country of citizenship
?:Louis Lauga?:country of citizenship
?:Louis-Joseph Manscour?:country of citizenship
?:Louise Moreau?:country of citizenship
?:Louise Weiss?:country of citizenship
?:Lydia Schénardi?:country of citizenship
?:Léon Fatous?:country of citizenship
?:Léon Schwartzenberg?:country of citizenship
?:Madeleine de Grandmaison?:country of citizenship
?:Magdeleine Anglade?:country of citizenship
?:Malika Benarab-Attou?:country of citizenship
?:Marc Joulaud?:country of citizenship
?:Marc Reymann?:country of citizenship
?:Margie Sudre?:country of citizenship
?:Marguerite-Marie Chichereau-Dinguirard?:country of citizenship
?:Marie Anne Isler Béguin?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Arlette Carlotti?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Christine Arnautu?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Christine Aulas?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Christine Boutonnet?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Christine Vergiat?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Claire Scamaroni?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Claude Vayssade?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-France Garaud?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-France Stirbois?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-France de Rose?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Françoise Duthu?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Hélène Aubert?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Hélène Descamps?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Hélène Gillig?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Jacqueline Desouches?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Jane Pruvot?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-José Denys?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Line Reynaud?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Madeleine Dienesch?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Madeleine Fourcade?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Noëlle Lienemann?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Pierre Vieu?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Thérèse Hermange?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Thérèse Mutin?:country of citizenship
?:Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid?:country of citizenship
?:Marielle Gallo?:country of citizenship
?:Marielle de Sarnez?:country of citizenship
?:Marine Le Pen?:country of citizenship
?:Martine Buron?:country of citizenship
?:Martine Lehideux?:country of citizenship
?:Martine Roure?:country of citizenship
?:Maurice Doublet?:country of citizenship
?:Maurice Druon?:country of citizenship
?:Maurice Duverger?:country of citizenship
?:Maurice Faure?:country of citizenship
?:Maurice Martin?:country of citizenship
?:Maurice Ponga?:country of citizenship
?:Maurice-René Simonnet?:country of citizenship
?:Max Gallo?:country of citizenship
?:Max Simeoni?:country of citizenship
?:Maxime Gremetz?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Barnier?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Collinot?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Dantin?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Dary?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Debatisse?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Debré?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Hervé?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Junot?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Pinton?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Poniatowski?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Raymond?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Rocard?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Scarbonchi?:country of citizenship
?:Michel Teychenné?:country of citizenship
?:Michel de Camaret?:country of citizenship
?:Michèle Alliot-Marie?:country of citizenship
?:Michèle Barzach?:country of citizenship
?:Michèle Lindeperg?:country of citizenship
?:Michèle Rivasi?:country of citizenship
?:Michèle Striffler?:country of citizenship
?:Mireille d’Ornano?:country of citizenship
?:Monique Badénès?:country of citizenship
?:Mylène Troszczynski?:country of citizenship
?:Nadine Morano?:country of citizenship
?:Nathalie Griesbeck?:country of citizenship
?:Nicolas Alfonsi?:country of citizenship
?:Nicolas Bay?:country of citizenship
?:Nicolas Sarkozy?:country of citizenship
?:Nicole Chouraqui?:country of citizenship
?:Nicole Fontaine?:country of citizenship
?:Nicole Kiil-Nielsen?:country of citizenship
?:Nicole Péry?:country of citizenship
?:Nicole Thomas-Mauro?:country of citizenship
?:Nora Berra?:country of citizenship
?:Nora Zaïdi?:country of citizenship
?:Noël Mamère?:country of citizenship
?:Odile Leperre-Verrier?:country of citizenship
?:Olivier Duhamel?:country of citizenship
?:Olivier Lefèvre d'Ormesson?:country of citizenship
?:Pascal Canfin?:country of citizenship
?:Pascal Durand?:country of citizenship
?:Pascale Gruny?:country of citizenship
?:Patrice Tirolien?:country of citizenship
?:Patricia Lalonde?:country of citizenship
?:Patrick Gaubert?:country of citizenship
?:Patrick Le Hyaric?:country of citizenship
?:Patrick Louis?:country of citizenship
?:Paul Vergès?:country of citizenship
?:Paul-Marie Coûteaux?:country of citizenship
?:Paule Duport?:country of citizenship
?:Paulin Brune?:country of citizenship
?:Pervenche Berès?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe Boulland?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe Douste-Blazy?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe Herzog?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe Juvin?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe Loiseau?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe Malaud?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe Morillon?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe de Villiers?:country of citizenship
?:Philippe-Armand Martin?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Baudis?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Bernard?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Bernard-Reymond?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Ceyrac?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Lalumière?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Lataillade?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Mauroy?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Messmer?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Moscovici?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Pflimlin?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Pradier?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Pranchère?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Pribetich?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Schapira?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre-Bernard Cousté?:country of citizenship
?:Rachida Dati?:country of citizenship
?:Raymond Chesa?:country of citizenship
?:Raymond Forni?:country of citizenship
?:Raymond Tourrain?:country of citizenship
?:Renaud Muselier?:country of citizenship
?:René Paulhan?:country of citizenship
?:René-Emile Piquet?:country of citizenship
?:Renée Conan?:country of citizenship
?:Robert Batailly?:country of citizenship
?:Robert Chambeiron?:country of citizenship
?:Robert Delorozoy?:country of citizenship
?:Robert Hersant?:country of citizenship
?:Robert Hue?:country of citizenship
?:Robert Navarro?:country of citizenship
?:Robert Rochefort?:country of citizenship
?:Roger Chinaud?:country of citizenship
?:Roger Fajardie?:country of citizenship
?:Roger Gauthier?:country of citizenship
?:Roger Karoutchi?:country of citizenship
?:Roger Palmieri?:country of citizenship
?:Roger Partrat?:country of citizenship
?:Roger-Gérard Schwartzenberg?:country of citizenship
?:Roland Blum?:country of citizenship
?:Roland Gaucher?:country of citizenship
?:Roland Marchesin?:country of citizenship
?:Roseline Vachetta?:country of citizenship
?:Roselyne Bachelot?:country of citizenship
?:Roselyne Lefrançois?:country of citizenship
?:Sami Nair?:country of citizenship
?:Sandrine Bélier?:country of citizenship
?:Simone Veil?:country of citizenship
?:Solange Fernex?:country of citizenship
?:Sophie Auconie?:country of citizenship
?:Sophie Montel?:country of citizenship
?:Steeve Briois?:country of citizenship
?:Stéphane Buffetaut?:country of citizenship
?:Stéphane Dermaux?:country of citizenship
?:Stéphane Le Foll?:country of citizenship
?:Sylviane Ainardi?:country of citizenship
?:Sylvie Goddyn?:country of citizenship
?:Sylvie Goulard?:country of citizenship
?:Sylvie Guillaume?:country of citizenship
?:Sylvie Mayer?:country of citizenship
?:Thierry Brac de La Perrière?:country of citizenship
?:Thierry Cornillet?:country of citizenship
?:Tokia Saïfi?:country of citizenship
?:Valéry Giscard d'Estaing?:country of citizenship
?:Victor Sablé?:country of citizenship
?:Vincent Ansquer?:country of citizenship
?:Vincent Peillon?:country of citizenship
?:Virginie Rozière?:country of citizenship
?:Véronique Mathieu?:country of citizenship
?:William Abitbol?:country of citizenship
?:Xavier Deniau?:country of citizenship
?:Yannick Jadot?:country of citizenship
?:Yannick Vaugrenard?:country of citizenship
?:Yasmine Boudjenah?:country of citizenship
?:Younous Omarjee?:country of citizenship
?:Yvan Blot?:country of citizenship
?:Yves Butel?:country of citizenship
?:Yves Cochet?:country of citizenship
?:Yves Fremion?:country of citizenship
?:Yves Galland?:country of citizenship
?:Yves Piétrasanta?:country of citizenship
?:Yves Verwaerde?:country of citizenship
?:Yvette Fuillet?:country of citizenship
?:Yvette Roudy?:country of citizenship
?:Yvon Briant?:country of citizenship
?:Édith Cresson?:country of citizenship
?:Édouard Ferrand?:country of citizenship
?:Édouard Martin?:country of citizenship
?:Élie Hoarau?:country of citizenship
?:Élisabeth Guigou?:country of citizenship
?:Élisabeth Morin?:country of citizenship
?:Élizabeth Montfort?:country of citizenship
?:Éric Andrieu?:country of citizenship
?:Éric Pinel?:country of citizenship