Table for the 7 triples with object lp_eu:2011-05-11_AgendaItem_26 sorted by label

lp_eu:2011-05-11-Speech-3-170-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2011-05-11-Speech-3-171-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2011-05-11-Speech-3-173-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2011-05-11-Speech-3-174-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2011-05-11-Speech-3-175-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2011-05-11_SessionDaydcterms:Has Part
lp_eu:Annual report from the Council to Parliament on the main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) in 2009 (A7-0168/2011 , Gabriele Albertini) (vote)lpv:hasSubsequent