Table for the 9 triples with object lp_eu:2009-10-07_AgendaItem_15 sorted by label

lp_eu:2009-10-07-Speech-3-045dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2009-10-07-Speech-3-046dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2009-10-07-Speech-3-047dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2009-10-07-Speech-3-048dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2009-10-07-Speech-3-049dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2009-10-07-Speech-3-998dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2009-10-07-Speech-3-999dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2009-10-07_SessionDaydcterms:Has Part
lp_eu:Proposal for a decision (B7-0079/2009 ) - Setting-up and definition of powers, composition and term of office of special committee on the financial and economic crisis (vote)lpv:hasSubsequent