Table for the 32 triples with object lp_eu:2009-04-21_SessionDay sorted by label

lp_eu:2009-04_Sessiondcterms:Has Part
lp_eu:Addressing the challenges of deforestation and forest degradation to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss - Timber and timber products (debate)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Agenda for next sitting: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 717/2007 (mobile telephone networks) and Directive 2002/21/EC (electronic communications) (debate)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Announcement by the President: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Annual report on the deliberations of the Petitions Committee 2008 (short presentation)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Budget discharges 2007, (Vote will be held on Thursday) (debate)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Closure of the sittingdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Common Immigration Policy for Europe: Principles, actions and tools (short presentation)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Common rules for the internal market in electricity - Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators - Access to the network: cross-border exchanges in electricity - Internal market in natural gas - Conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks - Fuel efficiency: labelling of tyres - The energy performance of buildings (debate)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy (debate)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Community framework for nuclear safety (debate)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Conservation of fisheries resources through technical measures (debate)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Control of the budgetary implementation of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (short presentation)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Corrigenda (Rule 204a): see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Documents received: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Effective enforcement of judgments in the EU: the transparency of debtors’ assets (short presentation)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Gender mainstreaming in the work of committees and delegations (short presentation)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Green Paper on the future of TEN-T policy (short presentation)dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Lapsed written declarations: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:One-minute speeches on matters of political importancedcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Order of businessdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Petitions: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Resumption of the sessiondcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Signature of acts adopted under codecision: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Statement by the Presidentdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:The 'Say NO to Violence against Women' campaign (written declaration): see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Transfers of appropriations: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Verification of credentials: see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:Written declarations (submission): see Minutesdcterms:Is Part Of