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Table for the 185 triples with object
on predicate
position held
sorted by label
Adrien Zeller
position held
Alain Carignon
position held
Alain Juppé
position held
Alain Lamassoure
position held
Alain Madelin
position held
Alain Marleix
position held
Alfred Coste-Floret
position held
Ambroise Guellec
position held
André Bord
position held
André Diligent
position held
André Fanton
position held
André Laignel
position held
André Rossi
position held
Aymeri de Montesquiou
position held
Benoît Hamon
position held
Bernard Poignant
position held
Bernard Pons
position held
Bernard Stasi
position held
Bernard Tapie
position held
Brigitte Douay
position held
Bruno Gollnisch
position held
Bruno Mégret
position held
Catherine Lalumière
position held
Catherine Trautmann
position held
Charles Baur
position held
Charles Josselin
position held
Charles Pasqua
position held
Charles-Émile Loo
position held
Christian Jacob
position held
Christian Poncelet
position held
Christian de La Malène
position held
Christiane Papon
position held
Christiane Taubira
position held
Claude Estier
position held
Claude Labbé
position held
Claude Malhuret
position held
Claude Wolff
position held
Constance Le Grip
position held
Damien Abad
position held
Danielle Auroi
position held
Dominique Baudis
position held
Dominique Chaboche
position held
Dominique Saint-Pierre
position held
Dominique Souchet
position held
Dominique Voynet
position held
Edgar Faure
position held
Estelle Grelier
position held
François Bayrou
position held
François Bernardini
position held
François Guillaume
position held
François Hollande
position held
Françoise Gaspard
position held
Françoise de Veyrinas
position held
Frédéric Jalton
position held
Frédérique Bredin
position held
Gabriel Kaspereit
position held
Gaston Flosse
position held
Gaston Franco
position held
Georges Donnez
position held
Georges Marchais
position held
Georges Sarre
position held
Gilbert Devèze
position held
Gilles Savary
position held
Gisèle Moreau
position held
Gustave Ansart
position held
Guy Guermeur
position held
Gérard Fuchs
position held
Gérard Jaquet
position held
Gérard Longuet
position held
Hector Riviérez
position held
Hector Rolland
position held
Henri Caillavet
position held
Henry Chabert
position held
Hervé Novelli
position held
Hugues Martin
position held
Jack Lang
position held
Jacqueline Thome-Patenôtre
position held
Jacques Chirac
position held
Jacques Toubon
position held
Jacques Vernier
position held
Jean Lecanuet
position held
Jean Roatta
position held
Jean Seitlinger
position held
Jean de Lipkowski
position held
Jean-Claude Fruteau
position held
Jean-Claude Pasty
position held
Jean-François Deniau
position held
Jean-François Hory
position held
Jean-François Jalkh
position held
Jean-François Mancel
position held
Jean-Louis Borloo
position held
Jean-Louis Bourlanges
position held
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
position held
Jean-Marie Le Chevallier
position held
Jean-Marie Le Pen
position held
Jean-Paul Bachy
position held
Jean-Pierre Abelin
position held
Jean-Pierre Cassabel
position held
Jean-Pierre Cot
position held
Jean-Pierre Roux
position held
Jean-Pierre Stirbois
position held
Kader Arif
position held
Laurent Fabius
position held
Lionel Jospin
position held
Louis Aliot
position held
Louis Baillot
position held
Louis Eyraud
position held
Louis Lauga
position held
Louis-Joseph Manscour
position held
Louise Moreau
position held
Marc Joulaud
position held
Marc Reymann
position held
Marie-Arlette Carlotti
position held
Marie-France Stirbois
position held
Marie-Line Reynaud
position held
Marie-Madeleine Dienesch
position held
Marie-Noëlle Lienemann
position held
Marielle de Sarnez
position held
Marine Le Pen
position held
Maurice Druon
position held
Maurice Faure
position held
Maurice-René Simonnet
position held
Max Gallo
position held
Maxime Gremetz
position held
Michel Barnier
position held
Michel Debré
position held
Michel Hervé
position held
Michel Junot
position held
Michel Poniatowski
position held
Michel Rocard
position held
Michèle Alliot-Marie
position held
Michèle Barzach
position held
Michèle Rivasi
position held
Nadine Morano
position held
Nicolas Alfonsi
position held
Nicolas Sarkozy
position held
Nicole Péry
position held
Noël Mamère
position held
Olivier Lefèvre d'Ormesson
position held
Pascale Gruny
position held
Patrice Tirolien
position held
Paul Vergès
position held
Paulin Brune
position held
Philippe Douste-Blazy
position held
Philippe Malaud
position held
Philippe de Villiers
position held
Philippe-Armand Martin
position held
Pierre Baudis
position held
Pierre Bernard-Reymond
position held
Pierre Ceyrac
position held
Pierre Lataillade
position held
Pierre Mauroy
position held
Pierre Messmer
position held
Pierre Moscovici
position held
Pierre Pflimlin
position held
Pierre Pranchère
position held
Pierre-Bernard Cousté
position held
Raymond Forni
position held
Raymond Tourrain
position held
Renaud Muselier
position held
Robert Chambeiron
position held
Robert Hersant
position held
Robert Hue
position held
Roger Chinaud
position held
Roger Partrat
position held
Roger-Gérard Schwartzenberg
position held
Roland Blum
position held
Roselyne Bachelot
position held
Sophie Auconie
position held
Stéphane Dermaux
position held
Stéphane Le Foll
position held
Thierry Cornillet
position held
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
position held
Victor Sablé
position held
Vincent Ansquer
position held
Vincent Peillon
position held
Xavier Deniau
position held
Yvan Blot
position held
Yves Cochet
position held
Yves Verwaerde
position held
Yvette Roudy
position held
Yvon Briant
position held
Édith Cresson
position held
Élie Hoarau
position held
Élisabeth Guigou
position held