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SWISH Prolog shell
HTTP Services
Table for the 92 triples with object
on predicate
position held
sorted by label
Albert Dess
position held
Alexander Graf Lambsdorff
position held
Alexander Radwan
position held
Angelika Beer
position held
Anja Weisgerber
position held
Axel Schäfer
position held
Barbara Weiler
position held
Beatrix von Storch
position held
Birgit Schnieber-Jastram
position held
Bruno Friedrich
position held
Cem Özdemir
position held
Claudia Roth
position held
Constanze Angela Krehl
position held
Dieter Schinzel
position held
Dieter-Lebrecht Koch
position held
Dietrich Elchlepp
position held
Doris Pack
position held
Egbert Nitsch
position held
Egon Klepsch
position held
Erik Blumenfeld
position held
Ernst Majonica
position held
Ernst Müller-Hermann
position held
Erwin Lange
position held
Ewa Klamt
position held
Fabio Valeriano Lanfranco De Masi
position held
Franz-Joseph Nordlohne
position held
Franz-Ludwig Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
position held
Franziska Brantner
position held
Friedrich Merz
position held
Frithjof Schmidt
position held
Fritz Gautier
position held
Garrelt Duin
position held
Gerald Häfner
position held
Gerd Müller
position held
Gerhard Botz
position held
Gero Pfennig
position held
Günter Rinsche
position held
Günter Topmann
position held
Günther Müller
position held
Hanna Walz
position held
Hans Katzer
position held
Hans Modrow
position held
Hans-August Lücker
position held
Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul
position held
Heinrich Aigner
position held
Heinz Köhler
position held
Heinz Kühn
position held
Heinz Schreiber
position held
Hellmut Sieglerschmidt
position held
Helwin Peter
position held
Herbert W. Köhler
position held
Honor Funk
position held
Horst Seefeld
position held
Ingo Schmitt
position held
Iris Hoffmann
position held
Isidor Früh
position held
Jochen van Aerssen
position held
Kai-Uwe von Hassel
position held
Karl Fuchs
position held
Katharina Focke
position held
Klaus-Heiner Lehne
position held
Kurt Wawrzik
position held
Leyla Onur
position held
Lothar Bisky
position held
Ludwig Fellermaier
position held
Luise Herklotz
position held
Manfred Vohrer
position held
Martin Bangemann
position held
Michael Theurer
position held
Milan Horáček
position held
Olaf Schwencke
position held
Peter Jahr
position held
Peter Kittelmann
position held
Philipp von Bismarck
position held
Ralf Walter
position held
Roland Gewalt
position held
Rudolf Luster
position held
Rüdiger Hitzigrath
position held
Sahra Wagenknecht
position held
Siegbert Alber
position held
Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann
position held
Tobias Pflüger
position held
Ulrich Irmer
position held
Ulrich Stockmann
position held
Ursula Schleicher
position held
Werner Kuhn
position held
Werner Schulz
position held
Wilhelm Hahn
position held
Wilhelm Helms
position held
Willy Brandt
position held
Wolfgang Hackel
position held
Wolfgang Ullmann
position held