Table for the 13 triples with object "2017-08-31"^^xsd:date sorted by label

substitute; FEMM (2017-01-19--2017-08-31)lpv:end
unknown; Articolo UNO – Movimento Democratico e Progressista (2017-08-31--...)lpv:beginning
vice-president; European Parliament (2017-01-18--2017-08-31)lpv:end
vice-chair; EFDD (2014-10-20--2017-08-31)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (2014-07-14--2017-08-31)lpv:end
member; Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion (2016-06-24--2017-08-31)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with South Africa (2014-07-14--2017-08-31)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (2017-01-19--2017-08-31)lpv:end
member; IMCO (2017-01-19--2017-08-31)lpv:end
member; EPP (2014-07-01--2017-08-31)lpv:end
unknown; Strana svobodných občanů (2014-07-01--2017-08-31)lpv:end
member; Parliament's Bureau (2017-01-18--2017-08-31)lpv:end
unknown; Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Keresztény Demokrata Néppárt (2014-07-01--2017-08-31)lpv:end