Table for the 3 triples with object "I voted in favour of this Report. I voted in favour of this Report. This vote was merely concerned with technical matters and it was not connected to the content but was instead concerned with codification. Codification of legal texts is an important tool as it leads to greater legal certainty and clarity. This is important as if you do not codify the text the former several amended versions of the texts stay. Codification, is, in a nutshell a simplification. Any proposal that provides greater legal clarity and transparency should be welcomed as it's the complex nature of such texts which frequently leads to unnecessary legal challenges often at the taxpayers' expense."@en sorted by label

lp_eu:2015-04-29-Speech-3-382-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-04-29-Speech-3-406-375lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-04-29-Speech-3-426-312lpv:spoken text