Table for the 13 triples with object "Helsinki"@en sorted by label

lp:Alexander Stubblpv:place of birth
lp:Elisabeth Rehnlpv:place of birth
lp:Eva-Riitta Siitonenlpv:place of birth
lp:Inna Ilivitzkylpv:place of birth
lp:Jyrki Otilalpv:place of birth
lp:Kirsi Katariina Pihalpv:place of birth
lp:Matti Wuorilpv:place of birth
lp:Pertti Paasiolpv:place of birth
lp:Ritva Tellervo Laurilalpv:place of birth
lp:Sampo Terholpv:place of birth
lp:Sampo Terholpv:place of birth
lp:Satu Hassilpv:place of birth
lp:Tarja Cronberglpv:place of birth