Table for the 23 triples with object "2001-06-10"^^xsd:date sorted by label

member; Delegation to the EU-Latvia Joint Parliamentary Committee (1999-09-29--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Israel (1999-12-16--2001-06-10)lpv:end
unknown; Forza Italia (1999-07-20--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy (1999-09-13--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; TGI (1999-07-20--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP-ED (2000-04-03--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy (1999-07-21--2001-06-10)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Latvia Joint Parliamentary Committee (1999-10-08--2001-06-10)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs (1999-07-21--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; EPP-ED (1999-07-20--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1999-10-06--2001-06-10)lpv:end
unknown; Alleanza nazionale (1999-07-20--2001-06-10)lpv:end
unknown; Lega Nord per l'indipendenza della Padania (1999-07-20--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; UEN (1999-07-22--2001-06-10)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Czech Republic Joint Parliamentary Committee (1999-10-08--2001-06-10)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs (1999-07-22--2001-06-10)lpv:end
unknown; Cristiani democratici uniti (1999-07-20--2001-06-10)lpv:end
substitute; EMPL (1999-10-04--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy (1999-10-04--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; Temporary committee on human genetics and other new technologies in modern medicine (2000-12-13--2001-06-10)lpv:end
substitute; Temporary committee on the Echelon interception system (2000-07-06--2001-06-10)lpv:end
member; Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs (1999-07-21--2001-06-10)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport (1999-07-21--2001-06-10)lpv:end