Table for the 10 triples with object "Whilst the legislation calls for the level of consumer protection to be raised, it does so only to reduce the need for varying national measures. It increases the scope of firms covered by EU regulation and the powers of EIOPA and, although it reduces the regulatory burden for SMEs selling travel and car rental insurance, it gives the Commission more powers to issue delegated acts."@en sorted by label

lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-283-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-283-437lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-288-031lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-288-437lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-288-750lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-293-125lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-299-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-301-062lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-303-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-11-24-Speech-2-303-906lpv:spoken text