Table for the 11 triples with object "Valencia"@en sorted by label

lp:Alfonso Novo Belenguerlpv:place of birth
lp:Enrique Sapena Granelllpv:place of birth
lp:Esteban González Ponslpv:place of birth
lp:Francisco Javier Sanz Fernándezlpv:place of birth
lp:Joan Calabuig Rulllpv:place of birth
lp:Jordi Vicent Sebastia Talaveralpv:place of birth
lp:Josefa Andrés Barealpv:place of birth
lp:Lola Sánchez Caldenteylpv:place of birth
lp:Luis Planas Puchadeslpv:place of birth
lp:Pedro Marset Camposlpv:place of birth
lp:Pedro Marset Camposlpv:place of birth