Table for the 4 triples with object "UKIP voted against the appointment of a Deputy Managing Director as we do not support the EU’s EFSI programme or any posts created for it. This ‘European Fund for Strategic Investment’ seeks to raise EUR 315 billion, but is based on taxpayers’ money being used as a guarantee and on wafer—thin assumptions on how much private businesses will put in. It is another grand EU project that will cost billions."@en on predicate lpv:spokenText sorted by label

lp_eu:2015-10-14-Speech-1-455-625lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-10-14-Speech-1-456-562lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-10-14-Speech-1-458-750lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-10-14-Speech-1-459-718lpv:spoken text