Table for the 8 triples with object "UKIP voted against approving giving EUR 1 095 544 (60 % of the match funding) of British taxpayers money through the Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EU dole money) to 412 workers in Belgium who have lost their jobs."@en sorted by label

lp_eu:2016-02-25-Speech-2-347-500lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2016-02-25-Speech-2-349-937lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2016-02-25-Speech-2-352-750lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2016-02-25-Speech-2-354-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2016-02-25-Speech-2-359-843lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2016-02-25-Speech-2-360-500lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2016-02-25-Speech-2-362-093lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2016-02-25-Speech-2-366-250lpv:spoken text