Table for the 6 triples with object "UKIP abstained on paragraph 32 because we oppose calling for the EU to meddle with the UKʼs immigration system regarding undocumented migrants and telling countries that they cannot report cases to the authorities. However we absolutely condemn cases where women (whether migrant or not) have been subjected to abuse and would support criminal investigations no matter what the circumstances. The EU call for cases not to be reported to the authorities may help those perpetrating such crimes to avoid being brought to justice. UKIP abstained on paragraph 50 as we cannot support calling on the EU to interfere with the UKʼs immigration system regarding the right to residency. However it is perfectly reasonable for a migrant woman to be granted autonomous residency (meaning that residency is not subject to being part of the family unit she first entered with), especially in cases where the woman has been subjected to domestic violence."@en sorted by label

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