Table for the 8 triples with object "The Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is a vitally important instrument. It has been ratified by all the EU Member States. The Convention introduces a system of cooperation between the contracting states aimed at settling cases of international child abduction. In many instances, these problems arise when a couple has separated. If the mother and father are from different states, there is a temptation to exploit the lack of cooperation between those states in order to secure custody of the child. The biggest problem in such cases is the differences between the legal systems of individual states. It may often be that the courts in both of the states concerned declare themselves competent, with each of them awarding custody of the child to the parent who is a national of their state. The purpose of the Convention is to resolve such situations at an international level."@en sorted by label

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lp_eu:2015-02-11-Speech-3-290-004lpv:spoken text
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