Table for the 3 triples with object "I voted against the so called ‘Revamped European Semester’ which contained a number of very worrying provisions. It offers absolutely no way out of the prevailing austerity narrative and in fact this report sets out to ‘institutionalise austerity’ as it proposes the intensification of austerity policies. The immediate priorities are on boosting competitiveness and structural convergence, imposing fiscal policies and gradually making the convergence process ever more binding and therefore impacting directly on Member States ability to implement their own legislation. In effect this report aims to deny citizens any real political choices when electing their governments. The whole aim is to bind Member States to essential economic and fiscal policies at an EU level. It should be patently clear that European economic governance cannot override democratic choices at the national level."@en sorted by label

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lp_eu:2015-10-29-Speech-4-560-913lpv:spoken text