Table for the 30 triples with object "Barcelona"@en sorted by label

lp:Alejo Vidal-quadraslpv:place of birth
lp:Anna Terrón i Cusílpv:place of birth
lp:Carles-Alfred Gasòliba i Böhmlpv:place of birth
lp:Carlos Barral Agestalpv:place of birth
lp:Domènec Romera I Alcàzarlpv:place of birth
lp:Eduardo Punset I Casalslpv:place of birth
lp:Ernest Maragalllpv:place of birth
lp:Ernest Urtasunlpv:place of birth
lp:Federico Mayor Zaragozalpv:place of birth
lp:Francesc Gambúslpv:place of birth
lp:Francesc Gambúslpv:place of birth
lp:Heribert Barrera I Costalpv:place of birth
lp:Ignasi Guardans Cambólpv:place of birth
lp:Ignasi Guardans Cambólpv:place of birth
lp:Joan Colom i Navallpv:place of birth
lp:Joan Vallvélpv:place of birth
lp:Joaquim Muns Albuixechlpv:place of birth
lp:José María Lafuente Lópezlpv:place of birth
lp:Juan Carlos Girauta Vidallpv:place of birth
lp:Juan Carlos Girauta Vidallpv:place of birth
lp:Julio Añoveros Trias de Beslpv:place of birth
lp:María Dolores Renau I Manenlpv:place of birth
lp:María Teresa Giménez Barbatlpv:place of birth
lp:Oriol Junqueras Vieslpv:place of birth
lp:Pere Estevelpv:place of birth
lp:Raimon Obiolslpv:place of birth
lp:Ramon Tremosa i Balcellslpv:place of birth
lp:Santiago Fisas Ayxelàlpv:place of birth
lp:Teresa Riera Madurelllpv:place of birth
lp:Xavier Rubert De Ventóslpv:place of birth