Table for the 59 triples for predicate lpv:acronym in graph

lp:Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development"AGRI"
lp:Committee on Budgetary Control"CONT"
lp:Committee on Budgets"BUDG"
lp:Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs"LIBE"
lp:Committee on Constitutional Affairs"AFCO"
lp:Committee on Culture and Education"CULT"
lp:Committee on Development"DEVE"
lp:Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs"ECON"
lp:Committee on Employment and Social Affairs"EMPL"
lp:Committee on Fisheries"PECH"
lp:Committee on Foreign Affairs"AFET"
lp:Committee on Industry, Research and Energy"ITRE"
lp:Committee on International Trade"INTA"
lp:Committee on Legal Affairs"JURI"
lp:Committee on Petitions"PETI"
lp:Committee on Regional Development"REGI"
lp:Committee on Transport and Tourism"TRAN"
lp:Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality"FEMM"
lp:Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety"ENVI"
lp:Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection"IMCO"
lp:Communist and Allies Group"COM"
lp:Confederal Group of the European United Left"EUL"
lp:Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left"EUL/NGL"
lp:Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group"EFDD"
lp:Europe of Nations Group (Coordination Group)"EN"
lp:Europe of freedom and democracy Group"EFD"
lp:European Conservatives and Reformists Group"PECH"
lp:European Democratic Group"AGRI"
lp:European Democratic Union Group"UDE"
lp:Forza Europa Group"FE"
lp:Group Union for Europe"UFE"
lp:Group for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities"EDD"
lp:Group of European Progressive Democrats"EPD"
lp:Group of Independents for a Europe of Nations"I-EN"
lp:Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe"ALDE"
lp:Group of the European Democratic Alliance"EDA"
lp:Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party"ELDR"
lp:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)"EPP"
lp:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats"EPP-ED"
lp:Group of the European Radical Alliance"ERA"
lp:Group of the European Right"ER"
lp:Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance"G/EFA"
lp:Group of the Party of European Socialists"PES"
lp:Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament"S&D"
lp:Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty Group"ITS"
lp:Independence/Democracy Group"IND/DEM"
lp:Left Unity"LU"
lp:Liberal and Democratic Group"LD"
lp:Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group"LDR"
lp:Rainbow Group in the European Parliament"RBW"
lp:Socialist Group"SOC"
lp:Special Committee on Organised Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering"CRIM"
lp:Subcommittee on Human Rights"DROI"
lp:Subcommittee on Security and Defence"SEDE"
lp:Technical Coordination and Defence of Independent Groups and Members"TGI"
lp:Technical Group of the European Right"DR"
lp:The Green Group in the European Parliament"G"
lp:Union for Europe of the Nations Group"UEN"