Table for the 27 triples for predicate prov:wasGeneratedBy in graph http://localhost:3022/prov_portal_load

lp:Countries_in_Geonames.ttlprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:English.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:Events_and_structure.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:MEPs_in_DBpedia.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:MEPs_in_ItalianParliament_ParliamentaryGroup.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:MEPs_in_ItalianParliament_Person.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:MembersOfParliament_background.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:MembersOfParliament_background_prov.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:Talk of Europe/LinkedPolitics data catalogprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
?:The OWL 2 Schema vocabulary (OWL 2)provx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:annot_prov.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:combine_graphs_prov.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:copy_settings_prov.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:dbpedia_prov.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
?:dcat.ttlprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
dcterms:dcterms.rdfprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
?:doapprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:hoyland_prov.ttlprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
?: of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:mep_wikidata.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:mep_wikidata_prov.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
?:prov-oprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
?:rdf-schemaprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:spokenAs.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:text_prov.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:vocabulary.ttlprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small
lp:xmlrdf_prov.ttl.gzprovx:Loading of named graphs from library toe_small