Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2016-01-19-Speech-2-535-625"

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"In my constituency, the East of England Director of construction company RG Carter has said we face a ‘skills crisis’. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors found 70% of my region’s builders could not find available workers. It’s ironic that at the same time the East of England has some 50 000 young people unemployed, the recruitment firm Cooper Lomaz said last month our companies face skill shortages not just in construction, but in accountancy, food manufacturing, engineering, oil, gas and renewables, sales and marketing and IT too. The only answer is to offer high-quality traineeships and apprenticeships. I back today’s report rightly calling for better skills forecasting in the labour market, strengthened co-ordination between education institutions and local employers, and improved schools career guidance. I call for key EU tools such as ERASMUS+ and the Youth Employment Initiative to be maximised in the East of England in particular. Finally young people are more vulnerable to exploitation, including being forced into precarious work. As a Labour MEP, I believe that if you work regular hours, you should have a regular contract, and that is why we are working to end exploitative zero-hours contracts not just in Britain, but across the EU."@en1

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