Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2015-12-14-Speech-1-141-000"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:spoken text
"Mr President, our loss, our grief and our anger at the atrocities we have witnessed at the hands of terrorists in this past year have struck deep into the consciousness of who we are as nations, as communities and as a Union. At times, our fear and our grief force us to question afresh who we trust, what we know and what we believe. But we must never allow the hateful rhetoric of the few to make victims of us all, as we are a Europe of democracy, diversity and liberty. In the days that followed Paris, the feelings that echoed throughout France and Europe were of sadness and shock. But then came the more powerful message of resilience and of hope. The bigotry and barbarity of ISIL must never make victims of tolerance and cohesion. We must do all we can to help those that survive these atrocities rebuild their lives and feel safe again. We must supply the security needed to our citizens to allow them to live lives of freedom. We will defeat the enemy and with that our lives will become free from fear, but not at the price of the tolerance of religions and cultures which have contributed to the Europe of today."@en1

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