Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-10-23-Speech-3-192-000"

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"Mr President, four years after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the credibility of the EU in world affairs is at stake. I fear that, despite the great efforts of Cathy Ashton and her team, neither the European External Action Service nor the European Defence Agency are properly trusted, certainly by the larger Member States. European-NATO relations remain impaired, and the single most successful tool of the CFSP – an enlargement policy – is sadly depleted. These things are, of course, connected. Of all the obstacles, the greatest is Cyprus, whose assimilation as a full Member State is only partial, where the acquis is suspended and which remains not recognised by our largest and most strategic candidate state, Turkey. Turkey faces a big decision. It either follows a path of European pluralist liberal democracy and becomes a normal NATO partner and a serious accession candidate, or it chooses an authoritarian Islamist democracy and an oriental foreign policy. So I think that, if there is a single big issue which must be tackled by the European Council in December, it is Cyprus. A solution to its partition is clearly beyond the capacity of Cypriots by themselves. The entire European Union and the UN must establish and assert that the present situation can no longer be tolerated as an obstacle to our global stance."@en1

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