Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-09-09-Speech-1-132-000"

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"Mr President, the EU is finally coming to its senses about biofuels and reversing its policies. Hopefully, it will not be too little, too late. My party, UKIP, has opposed since day one subsidies for crops that grow oil rapeseed for biofuel instead of wheat for bread. It is practically taking food off the plate and putting it into the petrol tank. The EU is seeking to cut subsidies for biofuel. We in UKIP would like to see them abolished altogether. What we want is to end this ugly spectacle of farmers reaping subsidies instead of food crops. The price of food in Manchester in my constituency goes up and the price of food in Morocco and Mozambique also goes up, all because of the EU’s wrong-minded policies. A report by the EU Joint Research Centre shows that the price of vegetable oil and other foods would be halved in Europe if we ended biofuels and had no subsidies. These subsidies are the hard-earned taxes of the UK taxpayer. We would all rather keep that cash in our pockets rather than throw it away on biofuel subsidies. Now here is the real point. Many say that this is all in aid of fighting so-called global warming due to man-made carbon emissions. This is increasingly discredited as a climate theory. Figures only released this week show that the world has not warmed for 20 years. Indeed, only in this year the Arctic ice cap has increased by 60%, which proves that it is as likely to grow as it is to shrink. So let us just admit it. EU biofuels and the subsidies are all about buying farmers’ votes and wielding power. They are not about putting power in fuel tanks at all."@en1

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