Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-07-03-Speech-3-613-000"

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"Mr President, it is extraordinary how a story combining the United States, surveillance and privacy can excite such outpourings of cant and hypocrisy. We went through something similar in 2001 with the creation of the Echelon Temporary Committee. Now we have the Snowden case. Let us be clear: Snowden seems to have been engaged in premeditated treachery, not civic-minded whistle-blowing. He was foolishly entrusted with national secrets of the United States and deliberately betrayed those secrets. He apparently claimed that he did not want to live in a society which did those sorts of things and immediately took himself off to those paragons of human rights, democracy and transparency, first to the People’s Republic of China and then Russia. The most worrying aspect of this tale is not the mock outrage of the European Union playing states and talking about its so-called ‘citizens’, but the ease with which the NSA was penetrated by Snowden. We must have confidence in our national intelligence agencies and those of our closest allies, operating as they do in time-honoured fashion, accountable and under democratic control, guarding our law-abiding citizens and our national interests at a time of increasingly complex threat."@en1

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