Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-03-12-Speech-2-819-750"

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lpv:spoken text
"Many of my constituents have contacted me in desperation because their disability payments are being cut or stopped altogether. One lady rang to tell me of her young adult daughter who has a learning disability and whose disability benefit payment was being stopped because she has been assessed as fit for work. She took her daughter to the Job Centre to look for something she might be able to do. She found that all the low-skilled, low-paid jobs were taken, often by migrants without the disadvantage of a disability. In the same queue were EU citizens signing on for the Jobseeker’s Allowance. She asked me to explain why we, as a country, cannot afford her daughter’s benefit but we can afford to pay benefits to migrants from the EU. I told her that this was because our Government’s spending decisions and priorities are not decided in the interests of their own citizens but rather in order to comply with EU law and their ambitions to build a borderless United States of Europe. I further explained that the only solution to the problem is for Britain to leave the European Union. Following our conversation that lady, like some many more people, will be voting for the UK Independence Party at their next opportunity."@en1

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