Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-12-12-Speech-3-160-000"

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"Mr President, the people of my country are very concerned at paying yet more money to the EU. We are paying GBP 53 million a day gross, which is GBP 30 million a day net. We are also talking now of GBP 118 billion a year in terms of red tape or regulations, and the accounts have still not been signed off for the EU for 18 years in a row. This is not good enough – and now the EU wants one-and-a-half billion more this year and yet more for the next seven years. What planet is the EU living on? Is it Mars or Venus or Pluto? This is not real. What is real is that the people of Greece are suffering; the conditions in Greece now are worse than Germany in the 1930s because of the political euro. That is a disgrace, and here we are in Strasbourg – 200 million euros a year to come back and forward between Brussels and Strasbourg. This is a disgrace; we must cut back on the budget. Not a penny more till the EU gets its house in order."@en1

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