Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-09-12-Speech-3-496-000"

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"Mr President, I would like to welcome two proposals in particular, namely those under amendments 73 and 75, which I consider extremely important. The first amendment concerns the establishment of a new term, that of ‘mountain product’, to describe products containing raw materials from mountain areas. The second amendment refers to the possibility of establishing a new local farming and direct sales labelling scheme to assist producers in marketing their produce locally. The introduction of this label depends on a study to be carried out by the Commission, which I hope will be carried out soon. I believe that the two new terms could bring important benefits for producers, enabling them to find market niches more easily and compete against large producers. They will also benefit consumers who want to buy food produced in their region, through the efforts of farmers located near the cities they live in. Along with the future support measures provided for by the reform of the European agricultural policy, encouraging the two labels would be an important support for small and medium-sized producers."@en1

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