Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-06-14-Speech-4-407-000"

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"Mr President, a few days ago the Iranian Kurds commemorated the second anniversary of the death of Farzad Kamanga, a young teacher aged 31, who was hanged after four years’ imprisonment and torture. His crime: being an enemy of God. A few days ago, the trial also took place of six Arab Ahwazis. Ms De Keyser spoke about them. They were accused of being hostile to God. Their crime: defending the rights of the minority to which they belong and commemorating the murders that had taken place against this minority during earlier demonstrations. The same goes for all the minorities in this country: Baha’is, Azeris, Balochs and all the others. It is not a good idea to belong to a cultural or religious minority in Iran. It is not a good idea to be a woman in Iran. It is not a good idea to live in Iran, where the number of executions seems to be gathering pace while also affecting an increasing number of juveniles. We are therefore increasing the number of resolutions. To what end? Doubtless to salve our conscience until the next time. We all know here that the Iranian authorities do not give a damn, if you will pardon the expression. There are, however, so many other matters that we could more usefully have spoken about, such as, for example, the sentencing in Turkey to 10 years in prison of Leyla Zana, and yet she had been awarded the Sakharov Prize."@en1

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