Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-06-13-Speech-3-035-000"
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"Mr President, it makes absolutely no sense to talk about growth if we do not create the instruments for growth. The European Union budget is one of the strongest instruments for providing growth in Europe.
This is not like the national budgets. This is not just another tax burden for the citizens. The EU budget is not just another item of expenditure in national budgets. It is small but it is efficient. It creates economies of scale, it creates economies of scope and it can direct investments at European level at very targeted goals.
The EU budget is currently 44 times less than national budgets in Europe. It costs every European citizen a coffee per day. That is the cost of Europe to European citizens. At the same time, it has decreased over the last 20 years by 20% in relative terms, whereas national budgets have increased in recent years. In 2011, 23 out of 27 countries increased their national budgets. In 2012, 24 out of 27 countries increased their national budgets. So I would argue that, if anything, Europe is becoming weaker because the EU budget is becoming weaker and national budgets are becoming stronger. This is what has happened in recent years.
The European Union budget goes back to the Member States. Ninety-four percent of the EU budget goes back to the Member States. For example, I have met a Polish Minister who said that for every one euro invested in cohesion policy, nearly 70 cents go back to the old Member States, to the contributors. From the investments made in cohesion between 2000 and 2006, we have 0.7% growth in Europe and that might reach 4% later on. So when we speak about the EU budget, this is not a budget which is spent badly.
By the way, Mr Callanan, the European Court of Auditors said that the UK is one of the examples with the highest error rate in spending EU money. This is not a reason to decrease the EU budget. You have to fix the systems in the United Kingdom. When we speak about own resources, this means that we have to decrease national contributions. That would help the consolidation of the national budgets so we would very much insist on what …"@en1
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