Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-06-13-Speech-3-019-000"

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"Mr President, I think that Joseph Daul pinched my text, because I do not have much more to say now after his speech. No, really, for the first time, I have almost nothing to add ... Finally, on the multiannual financial framework (MFF) and own resources, I regret one thing, which is that neither the Council nor the Commission have said one word, one phrase, on something that is the most crucial element of this multiannual financial framework which is, finally, to come back to the initial idea of the founding fathers and to make a direct link between the citizens and the European Union. There is no real democracy in Europe if you only have a parliament with no say in the resources of its institutions. In every parliament, in every country, in every democratic country in the world, the parliament has a direct say on the resources of the country, on the resources of the state. So that is what we need most now in these discussions and in this debate, and I can tell you that there will be no consent from our group to the multiannual financial framework if there are no own resources in this multiannual financial framework. I do not know if they should merge. Rather, we are going to take the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) back from you. That seems like a good idea. Let us be clear, the Council has just agreed on a bail-out of EUR 100 billion for the Spanish banks, and what is the consequence? Let us face it, because it is alarming: it is that the markets do not believe us. On Monday, yesterday, the spreads had gone up dramatically to more than 500 basic points, even nearly 600 basic points for Spain; nearly 500 basic points also for Italy. We have to ask what is happening. Are they mad or are we mad? Are we seeing things properly? Well, I think we all know the answer in this House – maybe not the ECR and maybe not UKIP, but I think that everybody else can see that unless we find a structural and a global solution to the crisis, we will simply continue fire-fighting as we are doing now. Because that is what we are doing, fire-fighting, and fighting one fire after the other. Greece first, then Ireland, then Portugal, then Spain, and tomorrow, you may be sure, Italy. Not setting up a systemic answer, a structural solution to the crisis and not building a real firewall that can resist. What do we need? We know what we need. Three things: a banking union with a deposit guarantee scheme, with a single supervisor – what this Parliament already asked for two years ago and was refused by the Council. This deposit guarantee scheme is a proposal on the table and yet the Council is not even able to agree on a common position on that proposal. The second thing we know also: a fiscal union including a redemption fund – the one we will vote on today in the ‘two-pack’, so there is no need for an initiative from the Council or the Commission about that. They simply need to respond to the legislative proposal of the Parliament in the coming days and weeks. Finally, we know what we really need, which is a political union with a real economic government. So my plea to you, Mr Barroso, is to say that speeches here, speeches in the Council and recommendations from the Commission are all very well, but what we need now are legislative proposals from your side put directly on the table of the Council and Parliament on a banking union, on a fiscal union and on a political union. There is no need to wait for an agreement between France and Germany and Italy and Spain. You have the right of initiative; you can make things happen and move forward. Put your proposals on the table on a redemption fund, and put your proposals on the table for a real banking union. Do it now, in the next weeks, because I am not sure that on 28 and 29 June, our leaders in the Council will agree on a banking union and can agree on a redemption fund."@en1
"(Exclamation from Mr Daul: ‘The groups are going to merge’.)"1

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