Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-24-Speech-4-341-000"

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"Mr President, I am very concerned that, with the number of serious human rights violations that are currently taking place around the world, we are devoting the platform of the European Parliament, which is so important in the defence of human rights, to the announcement that a country may be leaving an international human rights organisation. I find this worrying and, above all, I think this constitutes what is known as the ‘political instrumentalisation of human rights’, a misuse that is particularly disgraceful when we have not denounced the fact – and it does not even feature in the resolution put forward by the right-wing parties – that only 24 of the 34 member states of the Organisation of American States (OAS) are part of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Furthermore, those non-members include the United States and Canada, as well as eight other countries. What is more, the United States and Canada have not signed the protocols against torture and in favour of social rights either. Other countries have left the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, such as Trinidad and Tobago, and nobody in this House was concerned enough to denounce that fact. Even within the EU there are Member States that have expressed their reservations and exceptions to the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and they are not under suspicion for that. I would say to the groups on the right that they cannot play around with human rights or use human rights unjustly as if they were just another piece in the political game, if only for the sake of Parliament’s credibility. Please vote in favour of the resolution put forward by the progressive parties, because we support the International Commission on Human Rights but we do not criticise a country for something it has not yet done and, if it does so, it would be exercising its sovereignty."@en1

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