Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-22-Speech-2-082-000"

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"Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner for the clear statement about Ukraine and the case of Yulia Tymoshenko. I have a question, however. I believe you indicated, Commissioner, that the entry into force of the association agreement will be linked not only to the case of Tymoshenko, but to the free and fair elections to be organised this autumn. Of course that is important, but my question is: does it mean that you do not envisage making any move before the elections in Ukraine this year? Building a democracy is a long-term process – as we have seen within the European Union, where some of the Central and Eastern European countries still have ups and downs in terms of democratic development. What is important, however, is that the authorities understand the problems and work on them. Unfortunately, we have seen our eastern neighbourhood somehow getting less democratic in recent years, in contrast to the southern neighbourhood. There is a subject for further study there. I am not going to enter into details now, but, while it is too much to compare Ukraine to Belarus, it is true that, not only in Ukraine but also in some other countries, we see these backward steps, and we have to take account of them. We have to show consistency. I would like to remind you that two Member States of the European Union – Bulgaria and Romania – are subject to special mechanisms in the field of the judiciary, simply because high-level corruption and abuses of power were not tackled. Currently, two prime ministers are in the spotlight: one of them, in Romania, has been sentenced and the other one is under investigation and may be fined on certain charges. So we should not, in principle, deny that former prime ministers, ministers and other high-level politicians have to face justice. We should, however, also seek to prevent countries from slipping back into a situation of impunity, and that goes for the current government and current ministers too. Ukraine belongs to Europe, and we should do our best to avoid it rushing into any kind of Asia-related project. The S&D Group will continue to use its relations with the parties of the region to mediate in this delicate situation. Once again, we emphasise that we share the evaluation of the situation, and especially that selective justice is not acceptable."@en1

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