Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-03-13-Speech-2-472-000"

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"Today, five years after Bulgaria and Romania were admitted to the European family, displays of discrimination and racism are still permitted against citizens from these countries. One example of this is the website created by the Dutch PVV Party for making complaints about Eastern Europeans. This action is detrimental to Europe’s future because it disseminates racism and xenophobia, and it must be condemned straightaway. European citizenship is a symbol of free movement within Member States, granting the right of establishment within the EU. This is why the assertion that Bulgarians are taking the jobs of Dutch citizens is groundless and goes against fundamental European values. I wish to point out that the Netherlands labour market is also completely closed to citizens from these two countries. In November 2011, the European Commission published a report highlighting the positive impact the mobility of Bulgarian and Romanian workers was having on the European economy. This is yet further proof that the creators of the website are not dealing with real facts, but are relying on populist tactics. I call on the European Commission and the Dutch Prime Minister to implement swift, effective measures in condemning the website in question and taking the necessary legal steps to close it down. Eastern Europe is waiting for a clear signal that such displays of discrimination will not be tolerated in the European Union."@en1

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