Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-02-14-Speech-2-444-000"

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"Mr President, Eurobonds are an instrument that has to be strictly linked to conditions – the first condition, for example, being an extensive treaty change. Such a change is required because it has not been possible to introduce these Eurobonds under the existing European treaties. There is also a hidden meaning under paragraph 11 of the resolution, which refers to ‘appropriate legal requirements’. That simply will not do – only treaty change will suffice. Turning to my second point now, the resolution as a whole is the result of an intensive exchange of opinions. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Ms Goulard for having managed to incorporate in this resolution both the demand for Eurobonds and the misgivings raised about them, as well as the prerequisites. I therefore believe, even if there is a desire to hold separate votes about one point or another, that we in the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) will vote in favour of this joint resolution with a large majority. That does not mean, however, that the problems will have been solved. The introduction of Eurobonds requires a treaty change approved by all 27 Member States. Even the proposal tabled by the German Council of Economic Experts for appraising economic development cannot hide the fact that even the communitarisation of debt over 60% requires a basis in the Treaties. We are on a long road and, in contrast to paragraph 7 of the resolution, I do not believe that the Commission has brought forward an excellent Green Paper, but a poorly produced one. Vice-President, you confirmed it yourself: there were only 18 interventions. I have never seen anything like that in the last 20 years. That can only go to prove that the Commission has not been doing its work so far."@en1

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