Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-02-01-Speech-3-287-000"

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"Mr President, first of all let me also express my congratulations on your election. Thanks to Parliament’s support the Commission has proposed a new programme – Erasmus for All – which includes a substantial chapter on sport. The new programme responds to our Europe 2020 goals and sport, as an economic and social sector in its own right, has an important part to play. As the Commissioner responsible for sport I cannot but express my deep regret for what has happened in Egypt today, which shows exactly why we have to work to find a healthy way of conducting sport at all sporting events. I would like to thank, first of all, the rapporteur Mr Fisas Ayxela and the shadow rapporteurs for all their work in producing this excellent report on the European dimension in sport. I am glad to note that Parliament endorses the proposals contained in the Commission communication adopted last January. The Commission will carefully consider all the suggestions made in the report. Two years after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, we are now implementing a coherent set of actions in the field of sport and we are doing this on the basis of the priorities agreed by the Council and Parliament. Following on from the Commission’s communication on sport and the Council’s work plan, Parliament’s new report completes a solid policy framework which will guide the EU as it develops the European dimension in sport over the coming years. Let me briefly mention some of the initiatives that the Commission is, or will, be carrying out in line with the suggestions made in Parliament’s report. These cover the following policy priorities: health and participation, anti-doping, statistics, sustainable financing, good governance, education and training. Several of the report’s suggestions will be developed by the expert groups set up by the EU work plan in order to prepare concrete policy deliverables. In line with Parliament’s report, the Commission has been implementing a number of actions that were set out in our communications. These include recent studies on the funding of grassroots sport and on the contribution of sport to economic growth and employment in the EU, and forthcoming studies on health-enhancing physical activity, on economic and legal aspects of the transfer of players and on a possible sports monitory function in the EU. We have also organised two EU conferences on statistics and sports agents, which were very well received. Furthermore, thanks to Parliament’s support, a third year of preparatory actions has been launched to address the fight against violence, racism and discrimination in sport and to promote good governance in sports organisations. These initiatives would not be complete if we were not able to secure sustainable multiannual EU funding to support our policy. Parliament is right in requesting that the Commission propose an ambitious budget for sports policy under the future Multiannual Financial Framework."@en1

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