Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-02-01-Speech-3-162-000"

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"Mr President, nuclear weapons are among the vilest weapons there are and they should be abolished worldwide. Civil use of nuclear energy is impossible to control. We therefore need to do everything we can to ensure that there is a worldwide move away from nuclear power and towards global nuclear disarmament, and specifically in this case towards a nuclear weapon-free zone in the Middle East – and we must do so in a peaceful way. Until then, the current treaties will apply. As worthy of criticism as the regime in Iran is, it should be noted that, unlike India, Israel, North Korea and Pakistan, Iran has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It therefore exercises the right to the civil use of nuclear energy guaranteed to all states that have signed this Treaty. That is dangerous – just as it is dangerous in other countries. No one thinks – quite rightly – of taking military action against all the states that have nuclear power plants, or penalising them with sanctions. Neither the secret services nor the most recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency provide solid evidence that Iran is building, preparing or planning nuclear weapons. Yet blatant threats of war have been made against Iran for many years on precisely this pretext. In addition, there is an increasingly aggressive economic war being waged with the intention of destabilising the country. This policy, ladies and gentlemen, is a serious danger to world peace and limits the opportunities for progressive opposition in Iran. As is so often the case, it seems very much as though peace and human rights are to fall victim to the global interests of the United States and the EU."@en1

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