Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-12-15-Speech-4-025-000"

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"Madam President, Commissioner, good morning. It is good to see you in this last week of business in Strasbourg for this year. As Mr Fernandes has rightly said, 2007 was the year the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund was established, since which – it is unfortunate that my fellow Member from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament is no longer listening – EUR 307 million has been distributed – out of a fund of EUR 2.5 billion. Money alone is not the solution when it comes to tackling economic crises and the consequences of globalisation. Structural reforms in the labour market, economic reforms, taxation reforms and social reforms are the elements that can be used to take control of globalisation. Do not be fooled into thinking that money is the horn of plenty that can be used to solve all problems in the long term. If we see the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund as a way to reward the conduct of companies like Nokia, which has moved from Bochum in Germany to Romania and, ultimately, out of the European Union, receiving monetary support on two occasions, that is the wrong approach, and we will certainly not allow that to happen. Mr Fernandes is quite right and I share his views on the prospect of the European Parliament becoming the field where national election campaigns are fought. I note what has happened in France. I also believe, however, that this is a matter for France and does not need to be discussed here. That is why my group will reject the oral amendment if tabled. There are still more than 40 Members of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in this House. This means that we can also reject this oral amendment. I would much prefer it if we were to sit down together and work out how we can integrate the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund intelligently into European budgetary policy within the parameters of the Multiannual Financial Framework, ensuring more growth and more jobs, rather than perpetuating unemployment with the money we have."@en1

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