Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-12-12-Speech-1-046-000"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, it is clear that something is wrong when we are debating an extension today, in the month of December, which ends in scarcely two months. Nonetheless, we are discussing an agreement that is important to the European Union and to Spain in particular, an agreement that cannot be used as an excuse for diverse claims that are not strictly fishing based, and one which I agree should be extended despite the fact that many aspects of the agreement are unsatisfactory. I have always defended agreements with third countries, and even more so with neighbouring countries and those of such importance as the Kingdom of Morocco. It is precisely for that reason that I hope that the extension will be ratified and that a new agreement is negotiated, which is balanced, fair and beneficial for all signatories and allows our fleet to continue working. I am confident that this agreement will be reached, and that, as well as being economically viable and guaranteeing the sustainability and conservation of resources, it will also have positive consequences for the signatories from a social and working perspective. However, I also robustly defend that the agreements must be respected and comprehensively fulfilled, and for that reason and to be consistent, I questioned the agreement with Morocco for the agricultural sector and I emphatically support the agreement for the fishing sector. We do not have anything against Morocco, quite the opposite, but this does not detract from the fact that we demand that the agreements are respected as is deserved by the citizens we represent. This Parliament should send a clear and open message to the Commission that they should negotiate and negotiate well, without delay and with transparency. Remember that poor negotiations always bring poor consequences. There are many examples."@en1

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